Banksy – Artist or Vandal?
Art is such a personal thing and it comes in so many different forms. We’ve seen a huge wave of graffiti art (or street art as it is commonly called now) become very en trend in recent years and some of it is truly spectacular. Speaking of street art, whether you like...
Wearable Art – WOW!!
Art is such as personal thing so it’s important to get it right. So much the better though when you are able to combine travel to another country and discover inspiring artwork that’s either specific to that country or has its roots in a particular country. Enter the...
Photographic Art Trends
We in the southern hemisphere are experiencing winter right now however today it’s been decidedly warmer, in fact a balmy 24 degrees celsius! However our friends in the northern hemisphere are experiencing the height of late summer, then it will be autumn. Following...
Art for Kids
Rooms that are designed specifically for kids need to be practical and fun too. Kids love colour! Whether it’s brights or pastels – colour is an essential element to any space where kids spend time. A great way to add colour and interest is with art,...