Art for Kids

Art for Kids

Rooms that are designed specifically for kids need to be practical and fun too. Kids love colour! Whether it’s brights or pastels – colour is an essential element to any space where kids spend time. A great way to add colour and interest is with art,...
The Artistic History that is Berlin

The Artistic History that is Berlin

One of the most impacting cities I’ve had the privilege of spending time in is, without doubt, Berlin. On a recent holiday in Europe, we spent almost a week there. There is a tenacity and boldness within it’s population that was arresting and despite...
Coco Chanel – Her Collections and Creations

Coco Chanel – Her Collections and Creations

I love to explore other areas of innovative creativity and fashion is one such discipline. Recently I’ve enjoyed reading a book titled ‘Chanel – Collections and Creations’. I think it’s fair to say that Coco’s creation of the suit back in 1913 would be one of her most...