Leading on from our blog last week, we explore two more of the stunning colour palettes that make up the Dulux Colour Forecast for 2018.
The ‘Essential’ range is a beautiful palette of calming, nurturing colours that invite you to slow down and enjoy the moment. They exude simplicity and peace and are a refreshing reminder that life doesn’t have to be complicated. They exemplify the Nordic tradition of Hygge, which is described as a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment and wellbeing. They’re colours that speak to us of the natural world.
Terrace White, Dieskau, Mornington Half, Clay Court, Crystal Palace and Elusive Blue are some of the colours that make up this palette. If you’re a fan of neutral colours but would like to add some interest and depth, try introducing a small dose of Clay Court to liven up the space. A copper vase will do the same trick.
This is a great palette to layer on some texture in the form of linen cushions or curtains. Or try Dulux Suede Effect, Century Mist on a wall. Don’t be put off by the thought of the suede effects we saw in the 90’s, the colour and texture of Century Mist is just beautiful.
By contrast, our next palette is titled ‘Escapade’.
All about adventure and travel; Escapade is about dreaming – chilling out on a tropical island somewhere or perhaps indulging in memories of a far flung, exotic holiday location that evoked a sensory experience. It’s about having fun, delighting in life in all its fullness. It’s about creating the holiday spirit, even in our homes or workplaces, with reminders of past adventures and discoveries. No shrinking violet this palette, it’s all about new possibilities: what’s out there just over the horizon?
Colours such as Bondi and Soft Fresco, Tangerine Flake, Vivid White and Carmen are all part of the Escapade colour range. It’s an unashamedly bold palette of colours and definitely not for the faint-hearted! But why not give it a go?! You just might surprise yourself………………………….
Photos and Credits : www.dulux.com.au