Recently I was in a café and observed the people ordering their coffee. There were those that ordered the same old same old latté, cappuccino etc. Then, there were those that wanted a “double shot, almond latté, or a soy, single shot cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles, not powder. The age of boutique coffee has arrived and so too has the age of the boutique interior designer…
The boutique interior designer is not a designer who pumps out the “Pantone colour of the year”, the latest on-trend furniture or even the latest on-trend style. A boutique interior designer is someone who takes time to understand you, your likes and dislikes, your lifestyle, the ambience you would like to create for your home and yes, even your dreams. Then they take the timeless elements and principles of design to create that something very, very, special for you and yours.
We hear a lot these days about embracing and celebrating our true selves. In much the same way, this is also true of our homes. Time and again I For Style has found that their clients receive the most fulfillment and reward doing life in a home that reflects their true selves. Your home should be personalised and unique, just for you!

So, what distinguishes a boutique interior designer?
• A wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry
• An appreciation and understanding of a wide variety of design styles and techniques
• A thorough understanding of you, the client
• A desire to make the design process an enjoyable experience!
Here at I For Style we pride ourselves in being a Boutique Interior Design business that delivers a great result and exceeds your expectations. After all, that’s why so many of our clients return to us for their next project!
See more photos of this exciting project